Based on the principles established in a 2013 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research of the Republic of Chile (CONICYT), and the more specific guidelines described in a recent (2015) Agreement between the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC), the Chinese Astronomical Society, the Chilean Astronomical Society (SOCHIAS) and CONICYT (pdf), we are now inviting research proposals that involve China-Chile collaboration in astronomical research, to promote astronomical research collaborations between China and Chile, to advance astronomy in both countries.
These funds are for research projects based on a collaboration between astronomers from China and Chile, and the subject can be in areas such as astronomical research, observations, instrumental development, theory, etc.
The duration of each project should be two years at maximum, and can request up to 75,000 USD/year. We are aiming to support 3 or 4 projects in this call.
The deadline for applications is now extended to Monday, May 11th 2020. Inquiries can be sent to Dr. Jiasheng Huang (Chief Scientist of CASSACA;, or Dr. Wei Wang (Deputy Director of CASSACA; at
For more details, please read the attached announcement (pdf).