We are looking to build a catalog of research programs to guide applicants to the China-CONICYT Joint Postdoc Fellowship. Potential research projects for postdocs may be proposed by astronomers from either Chinese or Chilean institutions willing to be the host. These can be in any area of astronomical research, including observation, instrumental development, and theory, but must involve China-Chile collaboration. If those topics listed here are not interesting or relevant to any applicants, they may establish any China-Chile collaborative research topics on their own with their two potential supervisors.
Below listed the research programs submitted for the 2017 China-CONICYT Postdoctoral fellowship, and more is coming. If you unfortunately find your submitted research topic missing from the list, please write to Wei Wang at wangw@nao.cas.cn.
ID | Chilean PI | Host Institution | Chinese PI | Host Institution | Title |
1701 | Dante Minniti | Universidad Andres Bello | Martin Smith | Shanghai Astronomical Observatories, CAS | THE CHINA-CHILE BULGE (CCB) POSTDOC PROJECT (abstract) |
1702 | Jorge Cuadra | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Xian Chen | Department of Astronomy, Peking University | Galactic Nuclei, Gravitational Wave Sources, and Their Electromagnetic Counterparts (abstract) |
1703 | Amelia Bayo | Universidad de Valparaiso | Hongchi Wang | Purple Mountain Observatories, CAS | Submillimeter observations of young Brown Dwarfs: understanding their formation processes (abstract; full research proposal) |
1704 | Thomas Puzia | Pontificia Universidad Cat ́olica de Chile | Eric Peng | KIAA-Peking University | Galaxy and Star Cluster Evolution in the Nearby Universe (abstract) |
1705 | Douglas Geisler | Universidad de Concepcio ́n | Baitian Tang | SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY | Investigating Formation and Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy using Star Clusters (full research proposal) |
1706 | Dominik Schleicher | Universidad de Concepciòn | Huabai Li | Chinese University of Hongkong | Origin and dynamics of magnetized filaments (full research proposal) |
1707 | Amelia M. Stutz | Universidad de Concepciòn | Huabai Li | Chinese University of Hongkong | From High Mass filaments to High Mass Stars (abstract) |