China-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship 2015

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) of Chile are inviting for applications for post-doctoral fellowships in observational, theoretical, and/or computational astrophysics. The official announcement of this opportunity is made at the CONICYT website ( and duplicated at The duration of the Fellowship is for two to three years, with at least part of it spent at a host institution in Chile.

Preferential considerations will be given to those applicants with proposed research activities involving collaborations between the Chinese and Chilean astronomy communities. Potential applicants should check out the two web sites above for more up-to-date information on this opportunity and possible deadline extensions, and are encouraged to contact prospective sponsors accordingly before applying. A catalogue of  research projected proposed can be found at

Applications must include the CV, a research statement, a support letter from the Host institution in Chile signed by the Department Director and faculty sponsor, a copy or certificate of degree, and two recommendation letters. The applications will be received at and all the documents except recommendation letters should furthermore be sent  by email in PDF format to and before the deadline August 31st. Further inquires about this fellowship opportunity can be addressed to Dr. Jiasheng Huang, Chief Scientist of CASSACA (the CAS South America Center for Astronomy) at

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