



The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) of Chile are inviting for applications for post-doctoral fellowships in observational, theoretical, and/or computational astrophysics. The official announcement of this opportunity is made at the CONICYT website (www.conicyt.cl) and duplicated at www.cassaca.org. The duration of the Fellowship is for two to three years, with at least part of it spent at a host institution in Chile.

Preferential considerations will be given to those applicants with proposed research activities involving collaborations between the Chinese and Chilean astronomy communities. Potential applicants should check out the two web sites above for more up-to-date information on this opportunity and possible deadline extensions, and are encouraged to contact prospective sponsors accordingly before applying. A catalogue of  research projected proposed can be found at http://www.cassaca.org/?p=631.

Applications must include the CV, a research statement, a support letter from the Host institution in Chile signed by the Department Director and faculty sponsor, a copy or certificate of degree, and two recommendation letters. The applications will be received at http://www.conicyt.cl/astronomia/category/concursos/ and all the documents except recommendation letters should furthermore be sent  by email in PDF format to postdoc.cas@conicyt.cl and echen@das.uchile.cl before the deadline August 31st. Further inquires about this fellowship opportunity can be addressed to Dr. Jiasheng Huang, Chief Scientist of CASSACA (the CAS South America Center for Astronomy) at jhuang@nao.cas.cn.



 2015年7月16到19日, 新华社、人民日报社、中国国际广播电台驻南美及智利分社多名新闻工作者参观和采访了位于智利北部的ALMA和ESO帕瑞纳两个著名的大型天文台。通过访问及采访驻站天文学家、工作人员,记者们对前沿的观测研究工作和国际一流台站有了亲身的了解和认识, 并获得很多珍贵的第一手资料,此行获得圆满成功。南美天文中心主任王仲和副主任王炜全程陪同参观并作讲解。

       主要媒体一行于17日先访问ALMA,参观了观测控制室、设备实验室、工作及生活区, 并采访了台站主要负责人以及一线工作人员。工作人员还特意展示了移送天线的特制超大型运输车。随后大家按照赴高海拔地点的规定经过医务检查,带着简易吸氧装备,顺利抵达天线阵所在的5000米高地。大自然壮美的环境和现代化大科学装置的宏大规模相互辉映,令人感受到天文观测工作的特殊性、重要性,同时也体验到科研人员的艰苦、工作的辛劳。 18日在海拔2600米的帕瑞纳天文台,媒体记者重点考察了VLT 8米口径的巨型光学红外望远镜,了解观测者们正在进行的科学研究项目,望远镜的各种参数、配置的光谱及成像设备,并亲身体验了开启望远镜圆顶,进行仪器调试和准备观测的全过程。台站先进的管理运行、工作人员的敬业和专业素养让人印象深刻,一如该天文台极端优异的天气条件。 在帕瑞纳天文台的中央控制室,记者们还专门采访了原来自中国国家天文台、现正在ESO工作的值班女天文学家杨彬博士,轻松幽默的访谈中,采访者也了解到科学工作者一流的的专业水平、对天文观测的热爱、执着以及奉献精神。 Continue reading